i had the great opportunity to tour an old, gigantic building in pueblo, co yesterday. a group is well on their way to restoration and sales. it is a typical approach, multi use, high end condos, stores, coffee shops, etc. all with stunning views and crazy architecture... but this 250,000 sqft brick, concrete and metal building was special. i would love to have the means to go after a project with so much space for creative outcomes. cant wait to see it finished, or maybe not?
a quick shout out to all the groovy people i have met along the way, on this wonderful, gypsy journey.... here is to more of all of you in 2018. Happy New Years.
one month of work on the inside of the loft... and i increased my finished, usable space by about 600 sqft. now instead of my guest having to sleep in my previous paint studio, i have a clean, usable spare bedroom. the room has a evolving wall painting that i will encourage guest to participate in. you can check out my previous post to see the new painting studio i created this month as well. onto the outside of the building for two weeks, and then rest.
$50 of paint... $200 student labor and i have a big, new, rustic studio. the hardest thing was scrap drywall and having a half bucket of mud:) i will fine tune things as i use the space and decide, long term, whether or not to keep the middle room in the building or take it up to the rafters as well? that might be an easier decision once i get a wood stove in the back.
Got back to New Orleans this year and stayed with my great hostess and host, Deven and Jurgen. Groovy people watching, sweet bikes rides in the rain with a bit of music peppered in and of course the food and drinks:) Too much fun.
On the way to Deven's I got to see a cousin of mine I hadn't seen in 10 years, along with his wife and his cute 3 girls, who Red loved. After NOLA I picked up my brother John in Houston and then headed to the Galveston Island... bikes, beer and more, lots more:) Joined by my sister Heather, we next headed to Austin to spend some time with two of her kids... again more beer and food. The Finale was my parents 60th anniversary dinner in Ft. Worth with family, after which I was ready to retreat back to the mountains and Detox! getting up close on some of the natural habitats of lathrop state park... always with colorado's big, beautiful sky as the back drop. it is a weekend ritual for me and rubyred, she loves the water and i love considering the mountain views, while watching her enjoy nature. and oh, there is the cool southern colorado air...good stuff so close to home.
I had the chance to do a couple of logos this week and always appreciate the chance to collaborate on these things. From Dance to Orthopedic services, fun range:)
with move in one month away, things are under control on the remodel of 508 main street. the wall angles are crazy and the mudding difficult, but things are looking fun in the soon to be new headquarters for the Huerfano World Journal. I have a killer painter coming in this week for painting blast and then we start to wrap up the details. stay tuned.....
There is a lease on the other side of my sisters building... bottom floor. So now it is time to juggle a remodel, a tiny home project and a school garden. Did someone bite off more than they can chew and or swallow??:) Luckily I have three months to pull this space off for some very special tenants. This remodel again will be made possible with the help of some of my killer Construction and Design students. More to come soon!!
a great "kick off" to the school year with a freshman academy and lots of fun. congrats to our new principal. gunny, for making a "splash" (another pun sorry) and getting this year heading in a great direction. i am also very appreciative for his hard work in getting me hired full time this year. more to come:)
authorrobinson payne archives
September 2018