Here is how it is... from my side anyway.
We all have stories of sex and our first sexual interactions. We are born this way.
I don't believe there should be limitations for what sexuality you feel in any given moment.
You must drink water. You must be sexual. They are the same. Basic human needs.
The becoming of who we are as a sexual beings is a very sensitive subject. Taboo. Wrong. Embarrassing.
We figure it out on our own, the road there is not paved and can be extremely rocky.... for most of us.
I love sex. I love, loving sex.
I felt guilty about it forever and I think telling stories about loving it, from an early age, is damn incredible:)
It's honest, and it could be humiliating... but you are unaffected, that is why I love this.
I want to be raw and unashamed, we all do.
It's untouched part of being human, the vulnerability of the beginning of being a sexual person.
A lot of people feel shame in it. It's supposed to be "saved for love or someone special", yet it's who we are.
I think it is so artistically brilliant, that you found a way to take something we all have but don't dare share.
even with our closest confidants. You put it out there for everyone to relate to in private. Take my word for it,
Payne, I think it's pretty special, I'm impressed.
Deven Dawson
Artist - Chef and Friend
New Orleans, LA