5. Condo 32
My sophomore year in college was a crazy time. I had already lost my virginity, so the gloves were off.
My dad was very generous and bought me a condo so I could live off campus. I don't believe he had any idea of
the freedoms he was affording me and the life lessons i would learn that year. My good friend John and fellow
defensive back moved in with me to pay some rent and share the bills. We began a life long friendship in the craziness
of being young football players with big egos and libidos.
it feels great not to have to live in the dorm this year.
a bigger bed is one of the best things and john moves in next week.
i cant believe my dad bought this condo, this is going to be the place to be.
while i was moving my stuff in, i noticed a girl moving into condo #35.
blonde, fit with a cute body. she is small. i hope to meet her soon.
i met jamie today on my way home from the first day of 2 a days.
she is super sweet, very cute with a little bit of a lazy eye.
i hope i didn't smell too much. i think she liked my new jeep.
i think she might have a boyfriend, some guy was leaving when i drove up.
i'm not sure i should have knocked on her door tonight?
i couldn't help it, i saw her yesterday out washing her car in the bikini.
what a body. there was another car there but no one opened the door.
maybe she didn't here me?
i'll leave her an note tomorrow inviting her to the party over here.
i hope she comes.
sweet party, john was in rare form, all the guys were.
we really hit it hard. it’s the last big bash before the season.
jamie came over, she is shy i think because of her eye.
the guys were giving her a look, that didn’t help.
no one really noticed the eye, past her body. i talked to her all night.
i can tell she likes me but i'm not sure i should go there.
she is so sweet and i don't want to hurt her if i can't deal with the eye?
plus i just moved into a condo, i don’t want a girlfriend.
she also made the point to tell me she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
10/ 15/86
the season has been going well, its good to travel.
still not playing much, that knee surgery 6 weeks ago
really has slowed me down. need to train more.
the good thing about having that surgery is that i got laid a lot.
jamie was coming over almost every night. she really likes to get it on.
she got mad at me because me and john had some girls over the other night.
the blonde he was digging on, lyndsi was smoking and the brunette, jesse had some great tits.
so today i told jamie i didn’t want a girl friend and i think she is going to move on.
i like her a lot but am totally not ready to have a girl friend.
jesse cant dance for shit. we were at the upstairs club tonight
and she has no rhythm at all. if she wasn’t so fun in the sack
with that skinny body and gorgeous tits, id be gone.
jesse spent the night last night. she loves to do it doggy style
in the shower. she is pretty limber in the bed and has a great tasting pussy.
she spent some time singing to the radio. wow what an awful voice.
i don’t know if i can deal with a bad voice and crappy dancing?
i went to a party last night at the la quinta inn.
buesing rents rooms there some weekends so all the guys can go drink.
it safer that way.
one girl showed up, julie and she was hot. a sweet little blonde with nice tits.
we got along well but i could tell john had his hooks in her. man was i right.
i walked into the bathroom at one point to see johnny banger her while
she was sitting on the sink.
john and julie didn’t make it too long. he met this new girl named amy.
she is tiny, but real cute and has a big enough personality to keep up with john.
im gonna ask him if i can go for julie? its perfect timing right before the holidays.
what a night last night. took julie out for dinner and then we ended up dancing at
the stairs. everyone is headed home soon so it was packed. this gal can shake it and
what a perfect body.
so after the stairs we end up at her sisters apartment where she checked out to.
he sister went home early so i decided to stay there. julie sent into the bathroom
and cam out in a flannel onesy, barely buttoned. that was too hot and we had to
take that off quick and ended up in the bed. swear we fucked go hard and fast
that we fell off the bed. i think i got two strokes in in mid air and kept rhythm as
we hit the floor. thank you john.
cindy came to visit me yesterday, and to check out the school. she is not happy
at TCU. it has been a while since i have seen her, even though we have kept in touch
since i left ft worth in HS. she has been dating bubba on and off since i left.
we never really hooked up in HS but were really good friends.
we went to labodega and ended up parking at the ball field afterwards.
she has gained some weight be is still very cute, wears to much make up
but still cute.
this is the first time i have messed around with a girl, got her jeans off to find she had
panty hose on as well. i get that its cold but no fun. i love that she had a big bush, and man
was her pussy wet. we just fooled around a bit, i got a blow job which was good.
i think we are too good of friends to really get sexy with each other.
amy is here again with john. she is here all of the time.
i like amy but it doesn’t feel like my apartment anymore.
i hang out in my room until they go to be and fool around.
she doesn’t sleep here often b/c she is still living in the dorm.
ok, so she just knocked on my door and came in.
her and john had been drinking some, i like those days.
one day they got ripped and laid out in the back yard nude.
amy had no idea i had come home and was watching through the window.
anyway she just asked me how to give john a blow job?
i'm guessing john was having a bit of a whiskey dick, but i gave her a good verbal.
i can hear my success through the walls.
yesterday amy was pissed off at john and told us both a lie.
she said she went to the gyno and he told her she had an STD.
she then deciphered it was from julie and that i8 had better be scared to
because i was with julie right after john. i think she had just heard the details
of johns fling with julie before he met her.
so we both went to the clinic today.
john went into a room first and me shortly after.
a had to undress and stand on a stool in front of 3 nurses.
i could tell what was about to happen with out them explaining.
the big nurse had a metal swab in one and and began to grab
my dick in the other.
that's when I heard john grunt in the other room
i then quickly told the nurse to stop… i explained all the details.
they told me if i had no symptoms i did not need to be there.
i gladly put my pants back on and went to wait for john.
back at the condo, we told amy what we did and she began to laugh.
it was all a hoax, that bitch.
so this cute but bigger girl in my sociology class offered me a rolex.
we talk a lot and i like michelle but not enough to go home with her
at spring break. she told me here dad gives all of her boyfriends rolex’s.
if she were a bit skinnier i might go for that bribe.
3 on the floor
last weekend me and treg had a really good night at the upstairs club
bringing home 5 girls who had all checked out of the dorm and needed
and place to stay.
treg slept on the couch and me in my bed, which i think proved to be the place to be?
the girls were all over the floor in the middle of the morning. i choose to beleive 3 of them took turns
in my bed and i fucked them all. but i can’t remember a thing?
i hope treg was equally as lucky.
it had to be that kind of skanky one jill who gave us the crabs.
we knew we had them and thought the RIDD had cured us.
obviously not, as the football team had a breakout from the laundry.
oops… lots of shaved dicks in the locker room friday.
i hope i get a little re-growth before spring break.
i know jackie is treg's old HS girlfriend but i really like her.
i'm not typically a cheerleader guy but she is so athletic and smart.
we are in the same program and she asked me if i wanted to be her
study partner for exercise phys 1. i really want to do this but need to ask treg first.
i have a big crush on jackie, and told her so today.
she said she has a boyfriend but i could tell she was curious about me.
we talk so good, laugh together and just have fun. i think she wont go there
because of treg either and i get it.
i just need to find me one like her this summer, she has it all.
today was the first day at work. i like this summer gig better than
last years. i was designated head life guard by mike at the end of the day.
that was impressive to the other girl lifegaurds.
linda is the cutest one. i have seen her before at church, she was a freshman
this year and a hometown girl. i love that i get to see here in a swim suit all
day, she has a killer rack.
i have been hanging out at linda’s house a lot this month.
her parents are great and love me. her younger sister is also a life guard with us as well.
she is super cute too but a bit big for me.
me and linda have not even kissed but I like hanging out with her anyway.
she is very smart and not moody. maybe because we are not involved in that way?
i don’t think anything will happen.
me and linda made out tonight in the car.
i drove her home form work because her sister took the car.
it was fun she has great lips and i know she wanted me to do more.
she has heard a lot of my stories, but i couldn’t.
i respect her too much and i know her parents trust me.
my brother is my new roomie this semester.
i went to pick him up in ft worth this weekend
and he is in abilene, enrolling in school and trying to straighten up his life.
he told me yesterday that he was mostly living a gay life
in NYC and that he was hoping to put that behind him.
i said i could help.
last night we went to the upstairs club and did some dancinig.
there is a different crowd there in the summer, lots of girls i haven’t
met before.
my brother is a nut on the dance floor and the girls wanted to dance with us.
by the end of the night we had picked the best we could get and dug in.
they came home with us to drink a little more.
its july and my brother is trying to set the mood by burning the phone
book in the fire place. a smokey mess.
shortly i had my girl in the bedroom and could barley hear my brother,
struggling on what to do. me and becca had our clothes off and were going at
it good. the sex was ok but i was a bit distracted hoping my brother was doing ok.
at one point i went to the bathroom, and his gal came in to talk to me.
she told me he was not really into her and she was confused. i understood.
she went back into his room and by the time i went back in mine becca was
dressed and ready to go. she had to get home and get sleep and asked me to
drive her home.
when to got back to the condo and jumped into bed, shortly after my brothers
girl, wendy came in my room and told me she wanted to be with me all along.
and it was on.
my brother knocked on my door and told me all was cool, that he was not
digging the whole deal anyway.
My dad was very generous and bought me a condo so I could live off campus. I don't believe he had any idea of
the freedoms he was affording me and the life lessons i would learn that year. My good friend John and fellow
defensive back moved in with me to pay some rent and share the bills. We began a life long friendship in the craziness
of being young football players with big egos and libidos.
it feels great not to have to live in the dorm this year.
a bigger bed is one of the best things and john moves in next week.
i cant believe my dad bought this condo, this is going to be the place to be.
while i was moving my stuff in, i noticed a girl moving into condo #35.
blonde, fit with a cute body. she is small. i hope to meet her soon.
i met jamie today on my way home from the first day of 2 a days.
she is super sweet, very cute with a little bit of a lazy eye.
i hope i didn't smell too much. i think she liked my new jeep.
i think she might have a boyfriend, some guy was leaving when i drove up.
i'm not sure i should have knocked on her door tonight?
i couldn't help it, i saw her yesterday out washing her car in the bikini.
what a body. there was another car there but no one opened the door.
maybe she didn't here me?
i'll leave her an note tomorrow inviting her to the party over here.
i hope she comes.
sweet party, john was in rare form, all the guys were.
we really hit it hard. it’s the last big bash before the season.
jamie came over, she is shy i think because of her eye.
the guys were giving her a look, that didn’t help.
no one really noticed the eye, past her body. i talked to her all night.
i can tell she likes me but i'm not sure i should go there.
she is so sweet and i don't want to hurt her if i can't deal with the eye?
plus i just moved into a condo, i don’t want a girlfriend.
she also made the point to tell me she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
10/ 15/86
the season has been going well, its good to travel.
still not playing much, that knee surgery 6 weeks ago
really has slowed me down. need to train more.
the good thing about having that surgery is that i got laid a lot.
jamie was coming over almost every night. she really likes to get it on.
she got mad at me because me and john had some girls over the other night.
the blonde he was digging on, lyndsi was smoking and the brunette, jesse had some great tits.
so today i told jamie i didn’t want a girl friend and i think she is going to move on.
i like her a lot but am totally not ready to have a girl friend.
jesse cant dance for shit. we were at the upstairs club tonight
and she has no rhythm at all. if she wasn’t so fun in the sack
with that skinny body and gorgeous tits, id be gone.
jesse spent the night last night. she loves to do it doggy style
in the shower. she is pretty limber in the bed and has a great tasting pussy.
she spent some time singing to the radio. wow what an awful voice.
i don’t know if i can deal with a bad voice and crappy dancing?
i went to a party last night at the la quinta inn.
buesing rents rooms there some weekends so all the guys can go drink.
it safer that way.
one girl showed up, julie and she was hot. a sweet little blonde with nice tits.
we got along well but i could tell john had his hooks in her. man was i right.
i walked into the bathroom at one point to see johnny banger her while
she was sitting on the sink.
john and julie didn’t make it too long. he met this new girl named amy.
she is tiny, but real cute and has a big enough personality to keep up with john.
im gonna ask him if i can go for julie? its perfect timing right before the holidays.
what a night last night. took julie out for dinner and then we ended up dancing at
the stairs. everyone is headed home soon so it was packed. this gal can shake it and
what a perfect body.
so after the stairs we end up at her sisters apartment where she checked out to.
he sister went home early so i decided to stay there. julie sent into the bathroom
and cam out in a flannel onesy, barely buttoned. that was too hot and we had to
take that off quick and ended up in the bed. swear we fucked go hard and fast
that we fell off the bed. i think i got two strokes in in mid air and kept rhythm as
we hit the floor. thank you john.
cindy came to visit me yesterday, and to check out the school. she is not happy
at TCU. it has been a while since i have seen her, even though we have kept in touch
since i left ft worth in HS. she has been dating bubba on and off since i left.
we never really hooked up in HS but were really good friends.
we went to labodega and ended up parking at the ball field afterwards.
she has gained some weight be is still very cute, wears to much make up
but still cute.
this is the first time i have messed around with a girl, got her jeans off to find she had
panty hose on as well. i get that its cold but no fun. i love that she had a big bush, and man
was her pussy wet. we just fooled around a bit, i got a blow job which was good.
i think we are too good of friends to really get sexy with each other.
amy is here again with john. she is here all of the time.
i like amy but it doesn’t feel like my apartment anymore.
i hang out in my room until they go to be and fool around.
she doesn’t sleep here often b/c she is still living in the dorm.
ok, so she just knocked on my door and came in.
her and john had been drinking some, i like those days.
one day they got ripped and laid out in the back yard nude.
amy had no idea i had come home and was watching through the window.
anyway she just asked me how to give john a blow job?
i'm guessing john was having a bit of a whiskey dick, but i gave her a good verbal.
i can hear my success through the walls.
yesterday amy was pissed off at john and told us both a lie.
she said she went to the gyno and he told her she had an STD.
she then deciphered it was from julie and that i8 had better be scared to
because i was with julie right after john. i think she had just heard the details
of johns fling with julie before he met her.
so we both went to the clinic today.
john went into a room first and me shortly after.
a had to undress and stand on a stool in front of 3 nurses.
i could tell what was about to happen with out them explaining.
the big nurse had a metal swab in one and and began to grab
my dick in the other.
that's when I heard john grunt in the other room
i then quickly told the nurse to stop… i explained all the details.
they told me if i had no symptoms i did not need to be there.
i gladly put my pants back on and went to wait for john.
back at the condo, we told amy what we did and she began to laugh.
it was all a hoax, that bitch.
so this cute but bigger girl in my sociology class offered me a rolex.
we talk a lot and i like michelle but not enough to go home with her
at spring break. she told me here dad gives all of her boyfriends rolex’s.
if she were a bit skinnier i might go for that bribe.
3 on the floor
last weekend me and treg had a really good night at the upstairs club
bringing home 5 girls who had all checked out of the dorm and needed
and place to stay.
treg slept on the couch and me in my bed, which i think proved to be the place to be?
the girls were all over the floor in the middle of the morning. i choose to beleive 3 of them took turns
in my bed and i fucked them all. but i can’t remember a thing?
i hope treg was equally as lucky.
it had to be that kind of skanky one jill who gave us the crabs.
we knew we had them and thought the RIDD had cured us.
obviously not, as the football team had a breakout from the laundry.
oops… lots of shaved dicks in the locker room friday.
i hope i get a little re-growth before spring break.
i know jackie is treg's old HS girlfriend but i really like her.
i'm not typically a cheerleader guy but she is so athletic and smart.
we are in the same program and she asked me if i wanted to be her
study partner for exercise phys 1. i really want to do this but need to ask treg first.
i have a big crush on jackie, and told her so today.
she said she has a boyfriend but i could tell she was curious about me.
we talk so good, laugh together and just have fun. i think she wont go there
because of treg either and i get it.
i just need to find me one like her this summer, she has it all.
today was the first day at work. i like this summer gig better than
last years. i was designated head life guard by mike at the end of the day.
that was impressive to the other girl lifegaurds.
linda is the cutest one. i have seen her before at church, she was a freshman
this year and a hometown girl. i love that i get to see here in a swim suit all
day, she has a killer rack.
i have been hanging out at linda’s house a lot this month.
her parents are great and love me. her younger sister is also a life guard with us as well.
she is super cute too but a bit big for me.
me and linda have not even kissed but I like hanging out with her anyway.
she is very smart and not moody. maybe because we are not involved in that way?
i don’t think anything will happen.
me and linda made out tonight in the car.
i drove her home form work because her sister took the car.
it was fun she has great lips and i know she wanted me to do more.
she has heard a lot of my stories, but i couldn’t.
i respect her too much and i know her parents trust me.
my brother is my new roomie this semester.
i went to pick him up in ft worth this weekend
and he is in abilene, enrolling in school and trying to straighten up his life.
he told me yesterday that he was mostly living a gay life
in NYC and that he was hoping to put that behind him.
i said i could help.
last night we went to the upstairs club and did some dancinig.
there is a different crowd there in the summer, lots of girls i haven’t
met before.
my brother is a nut on the dance floor and the girls wanted to dance with us.
by the end of the night we had picked the best we could get and dug in.
they came home with us to drink a little more.
its july and my brother is trying to set the mood by burning the phone
book in the fire place. a smokey mess.
shortly i had my girl in the bedroom and could barley hear my brother,
struggling on what to do. me and becca had our clothes off and were going at
it good. the sex was ok but i was a bit distracted hoping my brother was doing ok.
at one point i went to the bathroom, and his gal came in to talk to me.
she told me he was not really into her and she was confused. i understood.
she went back into his room and by the time i went back in mine becca was
dressed and ready to go. she had to get home and get sleep and asked me to
drive her home.
when to got back to the condo and jumped into bed, shortly after my brothers
girl, wendy came in my room and told me she wanted to be with me all along.
and it was on.
my brother knocked on my door and told me all was cool, that he was not
digging the whole deal anyway.